For participants:
This is the project gallery from 2020-21. Find out how to create your project page using the example template.. All project repositories are part of the BHS2022 github organization.
Some statistics
30 projects are currently displayed.
40 participants have uploaded their projects.
Filter by keywords
- abide-data
- adhd-subtypes
- ale-meta-analysis
- alliancecanada
- api
- artificial-neural-network
- atlas
- auditory-perception
- auditory-tests
- autism
- bash-shell
- beginner-friendly
- bids
- brain-decoding
- brain-representations
- brain-volumes
- brainhack
- brainhack-cloud
- brainhack-school
- calcium-imaging
- calculquebec
- classification
- classification-algorithm
- combat
- computecanda
- connectivity
- connectome
- containers
- continuous-integration
- data-analysis
- data-management
- data-visualization
- datalad
- decoding
- deep-learning
- deep-leatning
- deep-neural-networks
- diagnosis
- diffuision-mri-reconstruction
- dmri
- docker
- ecg
- eeg
- eeg-classification
- electrophysiology
- emotion
- fair
- features
- ffr
- fmri
- fmriprep
- genetic
- git
- github
- gradient-boosted-tree
- harmonization
- hpc
- hypnosis
- install
- interactive-graphs
- introduction-to-deep-learning
- jupyter-notebooks
- language-network
- license
- machine-learning
- machine-learning-basics
- markdown
- matplotlib
- meg
- methods
- module
- mouse-behaviour
- mri
- mri-analyzation
- mri-visualization
- multisite
- music
- needs-vs-desires
- neural-network
- neuroimaging
- nilearn
- nimare
- nobrainer
- open-data
- open-science
- packaging
- pain
- parcellation
- pcn-toolkit
- personality
- plotly
- population
- preprocessing
- project
- project-management
- pybids
- python
- random-forest
- rdm
- regression-algorithms
- reproducible-science
- resting-state
- resting-state-fmri
- scripts
- seaborn
- setup
- sex-differences
- single-cell
- singularity
- sklearn
- standards
- structural-mri
- terminal
- testing
- text-mining
- tracking
- ukbiobank
- vision
- visual-stimuli
- visualization
- week2
- workflow