machine learning

Predicting Neuroticism and Personality Traits from fMRI Data

Are neuropsychiatric disorders extreme cases of connectivity patterns that are found in the overall population? Using personality traits as a measure of individual variation and knowing that neuroticism is especially linked with mental disorders we wanted to see if neuroticism in a healthy population was linked with specific patterns of connectivity that could be compared to those common to neuropsychiatric disorders.

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An introduction to brain decoding and comparing the results of the seven different classifier on Haxby dataset

Brain decoding is a neuroscience field that concerned about different types of stimuli from information that has already been encoded and represented in the brain by networks of neurons. My goal for this project is learning the fundamentals of brain decoding. Moreover, I compared the performance of seven different common classification approaches including Naive Bayes, Nearest Neighbours, Neural Networks, Logistic Regression, Support vector machine, Decision tree and finally the Artificial Neural Network on Haxby dataset.

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Diffusion MRI reconstruction Project

This project is about diffusion magnetic resonance (MR) data processing and analysis. It mainly consists of three parts: brain diffusion MR data preprocessing, diffusion MRI images reconstruction, data visualization and left and right hemispherical preprocessed MR images classification. The whole procedures can be found in this Jupyter Notebook file. Explanations about procedures results and other details are given in it. With reproducibility being a primary concern, this project was completed by using open-source software/tools (Python, FSL, DIPYPE…) and dataset (dHCP and PRIME).

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